Hortus Exoticus, Beiträge zur Freilandkultur winterharter Exoten

Hortus Exoticus, Heft 1, 2006
Inhalt - Schlüsselwörter
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Winterschutz mit Aluminiumzylindern, J. Wallis
Abstract: Report about effects of winter protection method by using aluminium-cylinders in Central European Zone 7b equivalent. The physical mechanisms are described and some examples of protected exotic plants are given. - With 9 figures and 1 table.
Keywords: winterprotection - aluminium-cylinders
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Update der Düsseldorfer Trachycarpen, M. Lorek
Abstract: Actual status from January 2006 of two different long-term localities of cultivated Trachycarpus fortunei in private gardens in Düsseldorf, inclusive one recently planted locality in public area, zone 8. - With 5 figures.
Keywords: Trachycarpus fortunei - long-term locality - Düsseldorf - palms
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Immergrüne Eichen für den Garten, Teil I, B. Demes
Abstract: Evergreen oaks are suitable for Central European gardens. A number of 40 species and hybrids is introduced for growing outdoors. Locality requirements, ornamental characters and hardiness-zones for each species reveal the most important hints for successful cultivation. - In two parts, with 38 figures and 1 table.
Keywords: Evergreen oaks -  Quercus - cultivation
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Frostharte Opuntien aus den USA in der Anzucht, I. Richter
Abstract: A large number of Opuntia proved to be hardy enough for Central European gardens. Cultural requirements and habitat features are shown, inclusive some species that aren’t hardy enough but suitable for glasshouse. Few other xerophytes are described as well. - With 21 figures.
Keywords: northamerican Opuntia - frosthardy - cultural requirements - xerophytes
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Frankfurt am Main-Süd, “Sachsenhäuser Warte“: Wenn Mammutbäume einen Blitzableiter brauchen, L. Lea
Abstract: One old specimen of Sequoiadendron giganteum in Frankfurt a. M. which was damaged 1947 by lightning during a summer-storm in 1987. Report about damage results and installation of a lightning-conductor. - With 4 figures.
Keywords: Sequoiadendron giganteum - lightning damage - lightning-conductor - Frankfurt - clinometer
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Stressphysiologie des Winterschutzes, M. Lorek
Abstract: Principles of protecting exotic plants in Central European climate are described. - With 2 figures and 2 tables.
Keywords: stressphysiology - winterprotection
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